Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have no idea what I'm doing!!

I have a feeling I was born in the wrong period of history - technology is taking over the world and I am so fearful - so here I am trying to keep up in the 21st century and become techno savvy.  So thankful for friends and mentors that are more than patient and willing lead.  The goal of my blog is to give insight to the life of Christ and share the Gospel in broader setting ....  if you will....  God has done amazing things in my life and I am grateful now to be His bond-servant as He sends me to Africa for the next 10 weeks.

I hope to update periodically while on the field - if not I will update as soon as I return with lots of pics and some videos.  I'm so excited about how God is going to change me this summer.


  1. Lisa, I'm so proud you. You are an amazing woman of God and HE is going to use you in many ways, He's already started. You are truly one of the best friends I have EVER had and I'm so glad God brought you into my life. I will be praying for you as you take on this journey of being the hands and feet of Christ. May the people you come in contact see Christ in you, love them as Christ loves you. It's going to be a long 10 weeks for me but I'm so excited for you and can't wait to hear all about your journey. I love you my sister.

  2. Like Angie, I am so very, very proud of you. I have never known anyone so willing - and EAGER! - to step out of their comfort zones. First at Divine Faith, now in West Africa. God is working His will through you in a way that is bringing others closer to Him - all glory be to Him! You really are a warrior princess!

  3. Hi Lisa =~} hope all is well with you.Thanks for the updates you are doing a powerful work and God is pleased. It my honor to call you friend I'm praying for you that God continue to strengthen you for the task love you and God bless
